Monthly Archives: June 2013

VEA Celebrates creation of Common Ground

VEA President Christal Watts and CTA President Dean Vogel enjoy Common Ground.
VEA President Christal Watts and CTA President Dean Vogel enjoy Common Ground.

VEA members joined over 15 other organizations, including local churches, non-profits and labor, in the Common Ground Founding Convention held today at St. Patrick’s/St. Vincent’s in Vallejo, California. With almost 1,000 delegates present, community members were able to tell their stories regarding issues that concerned them to the over a dozen of local civic and political leaders in attendance.

We were thrilled to have our very own, CTA President Dean Vogel attend today’s event. We were also pleased to see VCUSD Vice President Tony Ubalde along with Superintendent Ramona Bishop.

While today’s convention was inspirational and energizing, VEA recognizes that this is just the first step in developing long-lasting positive change in our communities. Posted below is the tentative agenda that has been developed for the  work of Common Ground in the upcoming months. We ask that if you are interested in making a difference, look at the list below and commit to attending at least one thing!

Homeless Teen Strategy Meeting
Thursday, August 22nd, 6 to 7:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church,
1600 Union Ave., Fairfield

“Ready for Reform” Immigration Gathering
Early Fall 2013 – Date/Time/Location TBD

Neighborhood and School Safety Strategy Meeting
Tuesday, October 8th, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Vincent Ferrer Memorial Center,
SW Corner of Sacramento and Florida Sts., Vallejo

Neighborhood and School Safety Neighborhood Walk
November 2013 – Exact date/Time/Location TBD

Common Ground in the News:

Common Ground Founding Convention

VEA is excited to announce that we are founding members of “Common Ground,” an affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation. This new organization is committed to bring profound positive change to the communities of Solano and Napa counties. Common Ground is a non-partisan group that consists of faith-based organizations, non-profits and labor groups.

We are very pleased that our very own CTA President Dean Vogel is attending this event.

Contact Christal Watts at [email protected] or at 707-552-8487 for more information.

Common Ground
Organizing to:
Strengthen our Institutions and
Create Community Change in Solano and Napa Counties

Who is Common Ground?
We are diverse religious and non-profits organizations in Solano and Napa Counties who are forming a broad-based, non-partisan organization, which will help us to:

– Build strong relationships within and across our communities;
– Equip our members with leadership and organizing skills;
– Act powerfully together on concrete issues facing our communities.

We are building this effort with the help of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the nation’s oldest and largest leadership development and broad-based organizing network.

What Do We Believe?
Relationships. The issues we work on come out of conversations in which people share stories about experiences and concerns. We build on these relationships to strengthen connections between people, which is the foundation for effecting real change.

Leadership. We identify and develop leaders within our institutions and across our communities, so that our institutions get stronger and we can accomplish more together.

Ownership. Dues from member institutions, in addition to some foundation support, fund the organization. We accept no government money. This allows us the freedom to reflect the interests and values of the institutions that make up the organization.

Practical Solutions. We work on concrete issues that we can do something about. Once potential issues are identified, we do research and power analysis to develop practical, achievable solutions. We measure success with a triple bottom line: Are we bringing about change? Are we developing leadership? Are we growing the power of people to act on their values?

Where We Are Now and Where We Are Going?
We have 15 congregations and non-profits that are already charter members and many others seriously exploring membership, and we welcome more!

Member institutions are working internally to identify and form leadership, develop strategic plans and identify issues they want to work on that are impacting their families and communities.

Common Ground will have a Founding Convention Sunday June 23rd from 3:00-4:30pm at St. Patrick-St. Vincent High School, 1500 Benicia Rd, Vallejo. There, 1,500 delegated from our 15 charter members will announce and credential the organization publicly, pledge dues commitments to each other and launch action around an agenda of issues.