[important]Tentative Agreement[/important]
Bargaining Update
Bargaining Update
February 2014
For immediate bargaining updates, please send your personal email to your bargaining contact below:
Janny Latno– [email protected] : Loma Vista, Highland, Wardlaw, and Solano Middle
Marneé McKenzie– [email protected] : Cave, Cooper, Steffan, Pennycook and Hogan Middle.
Carol Bishop– [email protected] : Jesse Bethel, Vallejo High, Franklin Middle and Hogan Middle
Leanne Duden– [email protected] : Mare Island, Patterson, Federal Terrace, and Vallejo Charter
Diane Klinge– [email protected] : Glen Cove, Peoples, Beverly Hills, and Vallejo Charter
Kathy Hellfeier– [email protected] : Widenmann, Dan Mini, and Lincoln
We met with the District on Friday 12/20/13 from 9:00-12:00. Although we discussed wages, there was no agreement. We will meet again on Thursday 1/23/14. As we continue with negotiations, VEA’s Organizing Team will let you know how you can support our bargaining efforts.
Below are two documents from the Vallejo City Unified School District. The first is the certificated salary schedule and the second health benefits document showing VCUSD’s and employees share of health benefits.
It’s important to keep in mind two things. First, VCUSD employees, both certificated & classified, have not received any pay raises since 2008. Second, the District was able to reach fiscal solvency and come out of state receivership due to the sacrifices its employees made.
As we head into negotiations with the District, we hope they keep in mind the sacrifices already made and recognize that if their goal is to truly attract and retain quality employees – they need to be willing to pay for it.
The VEA Bargaining Team met with the District’s Bargaining Team on Thursday, November 15th to discuss the passage of Prop 30. Based on the contingency language in the agreement ratified last year, it appears that we are getting some days restored. We are unable to more specific at this time as the District still needs to meet with CSEA.
Pay impacted by the furlough days may be restored as early as the February paycheck.
We hope to have complete clarification on all days restored and the impact on pay by early December.
VEA Bargaining Team Members:
Sheila Gradwohl, Chair, Janny Latno, Carol Bishop, Marnee’ McKenzie, Cynthia Davis, Diane Klinge, Leanne Duden
Pay Cut Process- anticipated pay cuts will be implemented in the following manner:
PLEASE REMEMBER: The number of furlough days implemented is based on a FORMULA that considers ONLY STATE REVENUE LOST …NOT DISTRICT SPENDING.
Here is the signed copy of the tentative agreement.
VEA does not anticipate any other furlough days for this year and we are working with the district to determine when this money will be taken from our paychecks. VEA is asking that this money is spread over three paychecks (April, May and June) in order to minimize the impact as much as possible.
Tomorrow, VCUSD is holding a special board meeting in regards to a early notification retirement incentive. VEA members who intend on retiring need to notify the District between February 18th through February 24th in order to receive a one-time payment of $1000. Additionally, in the VEA/VCUSD contract under, the limitation on benefits to age 67 is waived for unit members who notify the District by March 1, 2012 of their intent to retire by June 30, 2012. This allows unit members who are 65 or older to obtain health benefits for themselves for five years through the District. This portion of the contract EXPIRES at the end of this school year.
The District hopes to minimize the number of RIF notices that need to be sent by March 15th, so they need to know as soon as possible who is planning on retiring by the end of this school year.
Unit members should not expect a “better” incentive to come along. Sheila Gradwohl and I discussed the STRS plan with the Superintendent and there was no interest expressed at this time in offering this plan. VEA will continue to discuss other options for those nearing retirement, but need to remind unit members that the District needs to make fiscally sound decisions, especially in light of the potential reduction in the base revenue limit of $370 in the 2012-13 school year.
Finally, on March 14th, the CTA office in Cordelia is hosting a Retirement Seminar from 4 to 6. Please contact the CTA office at 864-0305 to RSVP. (Dinner will be served.)