Bargaining Update

Tentative Agreement


[important]Tentative Agreement[/important]

Bargaining Update

The VEA Bargaining Team met with the District on Thursday, April 17, 2014.  We have signed a tentative agreement for a partial restoration of wages, as well as changes to our evaluation article that are consistent with the forms currently being used. A final draft will be approved Thursday, April 24.  We will be scheduling informational meetings in the weeks ahead before we bring the tentative agreement for ratification by members.  School sites will receive copies of the tentative agreement, before the meetings, for review.  Both parties have agreed to continue bargaining on any sunshined proposals that will not be ready for ratification by the end of this school year.

Bargaining Update – February 27, 2014

February 2014

  • The VEA Bargaining Team met with the District on Thursday, February 27, 2014.
  • We continued to bargain on the following articles: WAGES, HOURS, SAFETY, CLASS SIZE, EVALUATIONS, Clean-up Language, Outstanding MOUs, and MEMBERS’ RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS.
  • We received a disappointing response to our wage proposal from the district.
  • We have let the district know that we will only accept an increase in wages that honors your hard work and acknowledges your sacrifices.
  • We will continue to keep our members up-dated. However, in order to comply with the tenants of bargaining, we cannot be specific with information.
  • We have scheduled additional dates in order to move the process forward more quickly.
  • Our goal is to present a proposed contract for ratification by the beginning of May.
  • At this point it is critical that members get involved!
  • VEA’s Action Team will be putting together a plan… please look for it at Rep Council.


For immediate bargaining updates, please send your personal email to your bargaining contact below:  

Janny Latno[email protected] : Loma Vista, Highland, Wardlaw, and Solano Middle

Marneé McKenzie– [email protected] : Cave, Cooper, Steffan, Pennycook  and Hogan Middle.

Carol Bishop[email protected] :  Jesse Bethel, Vallejo High, Franklin Middle and Hogan Middle

Leanne Duden[email protected] : Mare Island, Patterson, Federal Terrace, and Vallejo Charter

Diane Klinge[email protected] :  Glen Cove, Peoples, Beverly Hills, and Vallejo Charter

Kathy Hellfeier[email protected] :  Widenmann, Dan Mini, and Lincoln

Members now pick up 50% of Health Care Costs!

Below are two documents from the Vallejo City Unified School District. The first is the certificated salary schedule and the second health benefits document showing VCUSD’s and employees share of health benefits.

It’s important to keep in mind two things. First, VCUSD employees, both certificated & classified, have not received any pay raises since 2008. Second, the District was able to reach fiscal solvency and come out of state receivership due to the sacrifices its employees made.

As we head into negotiations with the District, we hope they keep in mind the sacrifices already made and recognize that if their goal is to truly attract and retain quality employees – they need to be willing to pay for it.

Bargaining Update: Impact of Prop 30

The VEA Bargaining Team met with the District’s Bargaining Team on Thursday, November 15th  to discuss the passage of Prop 30. Based on the contingency language in the agreement ratified last year, it appears that we are getting some days restored. We are unable to more specific at this time as the District still needs to meet with CSEA.

Pay impacted by the furlough days may be restored as early as the February paycheck.

We hope to have complete clarification on all days restored and the impact on pay by early December.

VEA Bargaining Team Members:

Sheila Gradwohl, Chair, Janny Latno, Carol Bishop, Marnee’ McKenzie, Cynthia Davis, Diane Klinge, Leanne Duden

VEA Bargaining Update

Furlough/ Pay Cut Days

  • We will take ONE furlough/ pay cut day during the 2011-2012 school year.
    • It will be Friday, May 18, 2012
  • We are prepared to take FIVE furlough/ pay cut days during the 2012-2013 school year, but all of them may not be needed.
    • The first two, which look LIKELY, will be November 1st and 2nd, 2012, right before Election Day, in order for us to organize and encourage voters to fund education.
    • Depending on election outcomes, THREE MORE furlough days may be needed later in the year… a possibility of 5 total. Those conditional dates are:
      February 19, May 23, and June 12, 2013.

Pay Cut Process- anticipated pay cuts will be implemented in the following manner:

  • 5 days taken over 10 months, then if all days are not needed, the pay would be restored over the remaining months of the school year.
      • The August budget shows funds available for education
      • The November Tax initiative passes
      • The January budget shows funds available for education

PLEASE REMEMBER: The number of furlough days implemented is based on a FORMULA that considers ONLY STATE REVENUE LOST …NOT DISTRICT SPENDING.

Here is the signed copy of the tentative agreement.

Bargaining Update

On Thursday, March 1st, the VEA Bargaining Team met with the district. At that meeting, the district reviewed the additional cuts by the state. Unfortunately the additional cuts trigger 1 furlough day. It will be Friday, May 18th. Here is what happened.
January 2012
The state cut $13 per student in the Base Revenue Limit (BRL) and $28 per student for transportation for a total of $41. This was below our cut point of $50, so no furlough day was needed.

March 2012
Due to concerns of rural districts the state reversed its decision to cut transportation but increased the cuts per student in the BRL to $55. So the cut point now is $55, which is in the second tier requiring one pay-cut day for the 2011-12 school year.

VEA does not anticipate any other furlough days for this year and we are working with the district to determine when this money will be taken from our paychecks. VEA is asking that this money is spread over three paychecks (April, May and June) in order to minimize the impact as much as possible.

2012-13 School Year
Your Bargaining Team continues to discuss with the district any potential pay-cut days for the 2012-13 school year. Due to the uncertainty of the state budget and the possibility that the tax initiatives may fail, ALL unit members are strongly encouraged to start planning for potential pay-cut days in the 2012-13 school year.

Early Notification Retirement Incentive

Tomorrow, VCUSD is holding a special board meeting in regards to a early notification retirement incentive. VEA members who intend on retiring need to notify the District between February 18th through February 24th in order to receive a one-time payment of $1000. Additionally, in the VEA/VCUSD contract under, the limitation on benefits to age 67 is waived for unit members who notify the District by March 1, 2012 of their intent to retire by June 30, 2012. This allows unit members who are 65 or older to obtain health benefits for themselves for five years through the District. This portion of the contract EXPIRES at the end of this school year.

The District hopes to minimize the number of RIF notices that need to be sent by March 15th, so they need to know as soon as possible who is planning on retiring by the end of this school year.

Unit members should not expect a “better” incentive to come along. Sheila Gradwohl and I discussed the STRS plan with the Superintendent and there was no interest expressed at this time in offering this plan. VEA will continue to discuss other options for those nearing retirement, but need to remind unit members that the District needs to make fiscally sound decisions, especially in light of the potential reduction in the base revenue limit of $370 in the 2012-13 school year.

Finally, on March 14th, the CTA office in Cordelia is hosting a Retirement Seminar from 4 to 6. Please contact the CTA office at 864-0305 to RSVP. (Dinner will be served.)