Member Benefits Highlights 2018-2019
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Member Benefits Highlights 2018-2019
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VEA Election Results
Vice President: Marnee’ McKenzie
Secretary: Sue Levy
High School Director: Bruce Wilson
Elementary Director: Kevin Steele
Child Care TK Director: Loree Tackmier
CTA State Council: Lynette Henley
K-8 Director: Dana Drane
Thank you to everyone who participated in this election.
VEA Bargaining Brief- June 1, 2017
We met with the District for the first time since our agreement was ratified in the fall. It was a productive exchange of ideas.
Enjoy a well deserved break! Your Bargaining Team looks forward to representing you at the table in the fall!
For immediate bargaining updates, please send your personal email to your bargaining contact below:
Marnee’ McKenzie– [email protected] : Wardlaw, Cooper, Steffan, Beverly Hills, and Pennycook.
Carol Bishop– [email protected] : Jesse Bethel, Vallejo High, Franklin Middle, Hogan Middle, and Regional Education Center.
Leanne Duden– [email protected] : Mare Island, Patterson, Federal Terrace, Vallejo Charter, Highland, and Cave
Kathy Hellfeier– [email protected] : Loma Vista, Widenmann, Everest, Dan Mini, Glen Cove, and Lincoln
Bruce Wilson– [email protected] : Solano Middle, Hogan Middle, John Finney, and Vallejo High