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Charter School Resolution


 Charter Resolution


The Vallejo Education Association supports quality neighborhood public schools and opposes privately- run unregulated charter schools that are harmful to Vallejo and all Solano County students.


WHEREAS, unregulated charter schools do not have an elected board of education and are not accountable to the public, and


WHEREAS, unregulated charter schools receive millions in taxpayer dollars but are not held to the same standard of accountability and they don’t sufficiently disclose how they spend tax payer dollars, and


WHEREAS, unregulated charter schools take funding and resources from students in our neighborhood public schools, and


WHEREAS, unregulated charter schools often exclude or push-out students that need extra help, such as children with disabilities, language learners, or children with behavior challenges, and


WHEREAS, unregulated charter schools are exempt from major sections of California Education Code that protect students, and


WHEREAS, the current rules regarding transparency and accountability have not been sufficient to support the oversight of charter school operations and the California legislature has not yet passed legislation such as AB 1478 and SB 808 to ensure more oversight, transparency, or accountability, and


WHEREAS, the Vallejo Education Association believes that undermining local public schools undermines the future of working families in the region,


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Vallejo Education Association opposes bringing more privately-run unregulated charter schools that harm our students into Solano County.


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Vallejo Education Association urges the Vallejo City Unified School District and the Solano County Solano County Office of Education to explore a process, working with State and Local elected officials, for bringing forward requirements that applications for charter schools have the same level of oversight and accountability that Public Schools provide.


The foregoing resolution was acted upon at a regular meeting of the Vallejo Education Association and approved unanimously on December 7, 2017.





Sheila Gradwohl
VEA President

VEA Officer Election Results

VEA Election Results

Vice President:                   Marnee’ McKenzie
Secretary:                            Sue Levy                    
High School Director:        Bruce Wilson
Elementary Director:         Kevin Steele
Child Care TK Director:    Loree Tackmier
CTA State Council:            Lynette Henley
K-8 Director:                       Dana Drane

Thank you to everyone who participated in this election.

VEA Bargaining Brief – June 1, 2017

VEA Bargaining Brief- June 1, 2017


We met with the District for the first time since our agreement was ratified in the fall. It was a productive exchange of ideas.



  • The District reports that they have a large pool of qualified, credentialed new hires to begin next school year. We are all looking forward to having positions filled at all levels.


  • An MOU has been signed for Elementary and K-8 Sites to schedule the District and Prep days for next year. The days follow a similar format to last year, with the exception of the first day of school; next year it will be a Teacher Prep Day.


  • We discussed ideas about a new article to add to the contract around just cause/ due process, set our bargaining calendar for next school year, and made commitments for our next meeting in the fall.



Enjoy a well deserved break! Your Bargaining Team looks forward to representing you at the table in the fall!

For immediate bargaining updates, please send your personal email to your bargaining contact below:

Marnee’ McKenzie– [email protected] : Wardlaw, Cooper, Steffan, Beverly Hills, and Pennycook.


Carol Bishop[email protected] :  Jesse Bethel, Vallejo High, Franklin Middle, Hogan Middle, and Regional Education Center.


Leanne Duden[email protected] : Mare Island, Patterson, Federal Terrace, Vallejo Charter, Highland, and Cave


Kathy Hellfeier[email protected] : Loma Vista, Widenmann, Everest, Dan Mini, Glen Cove, and Lincoln


Bruce Wilson[email protected] : Solano Middle, Hogan Middle, John Finney, and Vallejo High