Category: VCUSD

What is the NEA RA?

Declaration of Candidacy – DC (Download form)

Teachers Supporting Teachers

Did You Know…

VEA/CTA/NEA members are entitled to 2 free magazines a year! Click the link below to order yours. Member Benefits – Magazines

VEA Election Results

[important] President                          Sheila Gradwohl Vice President                 Marneé McKenzie Secretary                          Katie Vevoda High School Director     Bruce S. Wilson Elementary Director       Kevin Steele Child Dev./T-K  Dir.          Loree Tackmier K-8 Director                     Charla Yakabe Calendars for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years ratified with 83% approval.[/important]


  VEA is pleased to announce that, Pending final approval by the school board, a $5,000. retirement bonus will be offered to the first 20 members who notify the District that they will retire at the end of the 2014-2015 school year.  Notification must be received by the District Office by April 13, 2015.  The incentive …

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The Monthly Dues for 2014-2015 are now REVISED

Due Process

Myths about Due Process Current misconceptions regarding the law have created several myths about tenure, popularly held, but all false. Paramount among these are: MYTH #1: “There is a tenure law in California for K-14.” The truth is, California dismissal law doesn’t refer to tenure. The concept of tenure as it developed in the medieval …

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Vallejo Teachers Support our Students!

Teacher association dishes out school supplies, books By John Glidden [email protected] @glid24 on Twitter Posted:   10/20/2014 07:56:47 PM PDT0 Comments Click photo to enlarge Parents help children select a free book Monday… (John Glidden — VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD) « 1 » All it took to enter the Continentals of Omega Boys & Girls Club gym …

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Grand Jury Report 2013-2014

Grand Jury Report

Local Control Funding Formula

Local Control Funding Formula CTA believes the state and federal government should provide adequate funding for education in order for schools districts to fulfill the goals of providing a quality education and necessary resources to meet the individual needs of all students. We agree with the Governor that we must make education in our state …

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