VEA/CTA/NEA members are entitled to 2 free magazines a year! Click the link below to order yours.
President Sheila Gradwohl
Vice President Marneé McKenzie
Secretary Katie Vevoda
High School Director Bruce S. Wilson
Elementary Director Kevin Steele
Child Dev./T-K Dir. Loree Tackmier
K-8 Director Charla Yakabe
Calendars for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years ratified with 83% approval.[/important]
VEA is pleased to announce that, Pending final approval by the school board, a $5,000. retirement bonus will be offered to the first 20 members who notify the District that they will retire at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. Notification must be received by the District Office by April 13, 2015. The incentive is a $5,000. bonus payable at the completion of the school year. Members who work less than full-time will receive a prorated amount.
FYI: This will NOT count toward your salary; it is a ONE-TIME bonus payment.
If you have any questions concerning this bonus, please email Sheila Gradwohl at [email protected] or call 707-552-8487.