Per Cheri Summers, school site administrators at VCS, Cooper, Mare Island and Wardlaw were notified this morning that the duty day could not be extended. For the remainder of the school year, all schedules will remain the same and no extra minutes have been added to the duty day.
However, we may run into a problem for next year. Even though the State allows for up to five furlough days, which means that instructional minutes are adjusted, there are some school sites that have very tight schedules. Based on the multipliers used to determine if school sites met their instructional minutes with the furlough day, it was determined that these four school sites were short anywhere from 10 to almost 30 minutes. Waivers can be applied for & the District is looking at applying for the waivers. Part of the contingency in getting the waivers granted is that the District must work with the Bargaining Unit.
If the waiver is granted, according to Cheri Summers, school districts can have up to two years to make up these minutes, if needed.
Thank you to everyone who gave me the heads up about this issue. VEA will continue to monitor this process and will provide updates through e-mail, our Facebook Group, and our website.
No Action is Necessary for this Thursday’s meeting.